Organisations or departments that work directly with people who may be in financial difficulty are ideally placed to identify individuals who are thinking of suicide and thus help break that link and save lives.
Our Suicide and Financial Difficulties course is aimed at individuals and organisations who are in contact with those in financial difficulty.
Individuals will gain skills that will enable them to feel more confident when confronted with someone who is suicidal.
Using real case studies, the course will enable participants to understand the link between financial difficulties and suicide, indications that someone may be thinking of suicide and how to respond, it also covers the potential emotions that supporting someone may raise, and tips on self-care.
We will look at:
Real life case studies;
The psychology of debt;
Correlation between suicide and financial difficulty;
Myths and Facts around suicide;
How you feel about suicide and how this could affect your responses;
Risk factors that increase thoughts of suicide;
How to identify when someone is having thoughts of suicide;
How to respond appropriately;
Identify agencies to signpost for support;
Cyfrinachedd and safeguarding when dealing with someone who is suicidal;
Being aware of the potential aftermath of dealing with someone who is suicidal, what to expect, and coping strategies.
Amcanion dysgu
Erbyn diwedd y cwrs hwn, byddwch yn gallu gwneud y canlynol:
Disgrifio’ch agwedd eich hun tuag at hunanladdiad a sut y gallai hyn effeithio ar waith gyda chleientiaid hunanladdol
Adnabod pan fo cleientiaid yn meddwl am hunanladdiad, ac esbonio sut i ymateb i hynny
Trafod materion cyfrinachedd cleientiaid mewn perthynas â hunanladdiad
Nodi asiantaethau y gellir cyfeirio cleientiaid atynt am gymorth
Cydnabod pwysigrwydd hunanofal a datblygu cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer gofalu am eich hun
Please note that the content of this course can be emotive, therefore in order to enable the trainer to keep participants safe, we limit the number of attendees to 12 maximum.
*Sylwer, oherwydd y pynciau sensitif a drafodir yn ystod yr hyfforddiant, argymhellir bod llesiant cyfranogwyr ar lefel briodol cyn iddynt fynychu.
Whist sharing experiences can benefit the training experience participants must be aware that Mental Health First Aid is designed to help participants support others and is not intended as a therapy session for the participant. This is for the comfort for all participants.
This course is available for group bookings only. To organise a course, please contact us below